
The Science of VIK®pro

VIK R&D Center

VIK®pro Antarktisches Krillöl-Kapsel wird mit Superba boost™ Krillöl hergestellt, einem hochwertigen Gesundheitsinhaltsstoff, der entwickelt wurde, um maßgeschneiderte gesundheitliche Vorteile zu bieten. Es ist rein, natürlich, effektiver und mit unübertroffenen Ebenen der Nährstoffe. Reich an marinen Omega-3 (EPA&DHA) Phospholipiden, Cholin & Astaxanthin.

Dr. Hans Christof Berger, a medical expert in healthcare and life sciences, the founder of the German Society of Holistic Medicine and chief medical dietitian at VIK®pro, has successfully developed cellular nutrition after several years of in-depth research with his team and made a new breakthrough in VIK®pro's nutrition absorption technology.

Our Teams

Nearly 100 German medical experts are involved in the R&D. As VIK®pro recognizes that medical nutrition products will be highly demanded by consumers, it leads the world with its innovative cellular nutrition products made with German medical technology, which shows that it makes a new breakthrough in cellular nutrition field.